Free meals for children In Summer
The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) offers free, nutritious meals to children 18 years and younger during the summer when school is not in session.
SFSP is a federal child nutrition program. There are approximately 2500 locations throughout Pennsylvania that serve breakfast, lunch and /or snacks. Many of the locations provide activities as well.
Summer Feeding:
The following are ways to find a Summer Food Service Program near you!
–USDA Summer Meals in your community >>>
-Call 211
-Call 1.866.3Hungry or 1.877.8Hambre
-Text “MEALPA” to 877877 during the summer months
-Use the site locator for smartphones –
How to find a SFSP location near you:
Call: 211 or l.866.3HUNGRY or 1.877 .SHAM BRE
Text: “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 877877
Download: mobile app